
Membership Information

Are you interested in becoming a member of the TRIG?

Click below to contact us about membership inquiries.


What Does Membership Entail?

  • Membership in TRIG is currently free.
  • The annual TRIG request for proposals (RFP) provides seed grants to TRIG members.
  • The TRIG has one annual in-person meeting, which features a happy hour and TRIG member ‘chalk-talks’. This meeting coincides with either the annual ACVIM or ECVIM meeting. TRIG members receive invitations to these meetings via our listserv.
  • The TRIG has an annual Cardiology Symposium. You can find the videos from our 2nd annual symposium here.
  • TRIG board members are elected every 2 years (next election in January 2022). All members are welcome to run for a board position.
  • At the start of their term, the board appoints approximately 5 scientific advisory panel members who will also serve for a 2-year term.
  • The TRIG board and scientific advisory panel meet quarterly.

Want More Information?

Click below to download our bylaws for more information about membership.